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Monday, 11 December 2017

Congress's Sexual Harassment Scandal Is About To Get Even Worse

As the floodgates open, as many as 40 members could be jeopardized by a fresh round of allegations.

When Minnesota Senator Al Franken announced on Thursday that he would resign, he made it clear that he did not believe he had besmirched one of the nation’s fundamental organs of government. “I know in my heart, nothing that I have done as a senator—nothing—has brought dishonor on this institution, and I am confident that the Ethics Committee would agree,” he said on the Senate floor, adding that “some of the allegations against me are simply not true,” and others happened “very differently” than they were described to the press. Nevertheless, he stepped aside, becoming the second congressperson to do so in the wake of sexual harassment allegations that week. And it now appears that his resignation is only the tip of a gargantuan iceberg: according to several media reporters, CNN and The Washington Post have dozens of stories in the works to expose at least 20 lawmakers, and potentially as many as 40—over 1 in 10 male members of congress, all told.

Naked Restaurant In France Opens!!!

I know some people who will not miss travelling overseas to save their life. Well anytime you're in France, a new restaurant just opened. How's that news aight? Well, the REAL gist is clothes are not allowed. If you want to come in and dine, you must be willing to chop butt nekid. Ah, oma de ga o!

Asides from the fact we have nudists/naturalists whom this arrangement is best suited for, normal straight men/women who wear clothes are also in to experience the fantasy. Imagine having Amala and ewedu then the pepper drops on your private, lol Oyo is your case. Na to dash onto the street nekid in search of water.

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